Coming Up: Singapore Toy, Game, and Comic Convention 2012

Callous Comics
This is the first time I'll be appearing outside my own country in a convention, so I'm really excited! I have no idea what to expect as I haven't even attended STGCC before. Braving the world, indeed!
It's also quite heartening to discover that many of my friends from the Philippine comic community will be there as well. So be sure to pass by my booth (F48) and that of the incredible people of Komikon (A16)!
If you're new to the series, please do check out the About page!
So what's in store from Callous Comics at STGCC 2012?
1. Callous Comic Books

- Callous: The Comic Strip Series - Chocolate Chip Wishes and Caffeine Dreams (4.50 SGD)
- The Webcomic Doctor is in! Dr. Rianne Nicah is a struggling new physician who braves the world with her Guardian Duck, Cal Duck! Meet Rianne and her friends in the first-ever Callous Comics compilation of gag-a-day comic strips! The book is A5 size (5.23"x8.27"), saddle-stitched, with 32 full-color pages. Features Black & White and Colored comic strips.
- Callous Comics - Take Two Spoonfuls of the Sunny Side! (4.75 SGD)
- The Webcomic Doctor returns! Dr. Rianne Nicah, Cal Duck, and the rest of the Callous Comics gang return in their second gag-a-day comic strip compilation! The book is A5 size (5.23"x8.27"), saddle-stitched, with 36 full-color pages. Features full-color comic strips, Sunday comics, and a bonus storyline!
- Callous Comics - The Land of the Guardians (4.50 SGD)
- An ancient evil threatens the world of the Guardian Ducks and Dr. Rianne Nicah is made to brave their world! Could she be the key to stopping this menace? Book is A5 size (5.23"x8.27"), saddle-stitched, with 32 full-color pages. Features "The Land of the Guardians" and two bonus storylines!
- Callous Comics - On Lighter Dreams (6.00 SGD)
- Dr. Rianne Nicah returns to the Guardian Realm in this sprawling epic fantasy storyline to face a shadowy threat! Book is A5 size (5.23"x8.27"), saddle-stitched, with 52 full-color glossy pages! It also features a foreword by fantasy author Walter Shuler (Celadonian Tales Vol. 1: Blood and Brass, Gods of Sand and Stone, At the Edge of the World)
2. Webcomics: What's Cooking? (24.00 SGD)
Hey webcomic lovers! This one-of-a-kind collector's item is headed to Singapore! Get it and not only will you have a great collection of art and comics from over fifty of the world's popular webcomic artists, but you get corresponding recipes as well! That's right, it's a comic book AND cookbook! Furthermore, you get to help feed someone in need (proceeds go to North American food banks).
Listed below are the contributing webcomic creators:
Brian Anderson (Dog Eat Doug)
Chu (Slightly Damned)
Benny Powell (Wayward Sons: Legends)
Ben Carter & Paul Westover (Woody After Hours)
Krishna Sadasivam (PC Weenies)
Lora Innes (The Dreamer)
Emy Bitner (Trying Human)
Irma Erikkson (Imy Comic)
Lezley Davidson (Peeling Onions)
Barry Linck (Phineus: Magician For Hire)
Jeff Schutze (JEFBOT)
David Reddick (Legend of Bill)
Samantha Wikan (Life’s A Witch)
Dawn Griffin (Zorphbert & Fred)
Thomas Overbeck (Times Like This)
Peter Vine (Hard Graft)
Michelle Van Zandt (Ginpu)
John Horsley III (Y2CL)
Kneon Transitt (Shadowbinders)
Agent Eben07 & Agent DBethel (Eben 07)
Amy Letts (Epic Fail)
George Ward (Dungeon Legacy)
Antoine Gagnon (The Drunken Fools)
Byron Wilkins (1977 the Comic)
Jules Rivera (Marsh Rocket)
Sandy Debreuil (Crowbar Benson)
Pam Harrison (House of the Muses)
George Ford (Addanac City)
Aidan Casserly (Scapula)
Tom Szewc (Alone in a Crowd)
Kevin Broden and Shannon Muir (Flying Glory)
Sean Archer (Milo the Cloud)
Sean McLean (Underwhelmed)
Caanan Grall (Max Overacts)
Teri and Lee Blauersmith (Godseeker)
Adam Schlosser (Sins)
Graham Moogk-Soulis (Postscript)
Dr. Carlo Jose San Juan (Callous Comics)
Rob Chambers (Meat Shield)
Tim Lai (Lemon Inc.)
Arne Schulenberg (Union of Heroes)
Rachel Keslensky (Last Res0rt)
Tricia Lupien (Swiftriver)
Chet Spiewak (Vinny The Bug Man)
Jules Faulkner (Promise Comic)
Scott King & Micheal Odom (Holiday Wars)
Dustin Reese (Plus One)
There's more! For every purchase of Webcomics: What's Cooking? you get a FREE limited-edition magnet featuring Captain TGT artwork by Lar deSouza (Least I Could Do)! This offer is only valid while supplies last.
3. Button Pins (1.00 SGD)
Five different Callous Comics button pins will be available! Pick your favorite or get them all!
Of course, I'm always open to comic chitchat (as well as football talk) so be sure to come on over and say hi!
See you there!
Tags: singapore toy game comic convention comics webcomics what's cooking comic book cookbook stgcc
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