Callous' 17th Birthday - Open for Guest Comics / Art!
Posted by Carlo Jose San Juan, MD on Tuesday, July 9, 2013

As many of you know, August 7th is the day the first-ever Callous comic strip was published way back in 1996. That makes August 7, 2013 the 17th anniversary of the series!
This past year in particular, with its ups and downs, was the most significant of the comic's history. First, I made the jump across the seas to join the artist alley of a convention outside my own country at STGCC 2012, the Singapore Toy, Game, and Comic Convention (Facebook Page)! It was a great experience and one that broadened my scope on the comic (and geek) industry. Speaking of STGCC, I'll be back this year!
But enough about overseas! This past year also had the debut of Callous in the comic strip pages of a national newspaper! The Manila Bulletin (Wikipedia) began publishing Callous in September 2012! I don't know about you but I find that to be a huge deal and a dream come true!
This year we'll have a simple celebration. I'll be opening up the site once again for guest comics and/or artwork to be published on the site starting on the days leading up to August 7, 2013 to help promote other artists and comics! Here are the guidelines:
Guest Art / Comic Details:
This past year in particular, with its ups and downs, was the most significant of the comic's history. First, I made the jump across the seas to join the artist alley of a convention outside my own country at STGCC 2012, the Singapore Toy, Game, and Comic Convention (Facebook Page)! It was a great experience and one that broadened my scope on the comic (and geek) industry. Speaking of STGCC, I'll be back this year!
But enough about overseas! This past year also had the debut of Callous in the comic strip pages of a national newspaper! The Manila Bulletin (Wikipedia) began publishing Callous in September 2012! I don't know about you but I find that to be a huge deal and a dream come true!
This year we'll have a simple celebration. I'll be opening up the site once again for guest comics and/or artwork to be published on the site starting on the days leading up to August 7, 2013 to help promote other artists and comics! Here are the guidelines:
Guest Art / Comic Details:
- Please keep things Callous-related! Your guest artwork or comic strip should feature at least one recurring character from the Callous comic series. You are, however, most welcome to maintain your own art style and featuring your personal depiction of the Callous Comics characters in your submission! If you have your own comic series and would like to feature your characters in the guest artwork/strip, feel free to do so!
- Your submitted comic strip will be published at a 800 pixel width (without the lateral borders), regardless of the height, at 72 dpi. Please adjust your lettering or font sizes with this in mind so that text or dialogue in your comics would remain legible. Other artwork will be published at varying sizes depending on content at 72 dpi.
- Please submit your images in JPEG or PNG format.
- is an all-ages website! Please keep things all-ages! I'll accept
some PG-13 depending on the content. Feel free to be expressive with
your comic strip within these boundaries.
- Publishing time will be either in the weeks leading up to or on August 7, 2013 itself. Your guest comic will remain in the site archive.
- If you have any questions, you can post them as a comment here or send me a wall post, direct message, mention, or private message in the following venues:
- Callous - The Comic Series Page on Facebook
- The Callous Comic Strip on Twitter (@callouscomics)
- E-Mail:
- You can send your finished art/comics as an e-mail attachment along with the requested details mentioned above to!
- By
sending a submission, you, the artist, agree to have your guest art and/or comic to
be posted on as well as its retention in the archives
and to have a thumbnail image taken from it for use on the Guest Art /
Comics page. All copyrights to the submitted art/image remain with the artist who produced it. However, all Callous-related characters and settings remain the
copyright of Carlo Jose San Juan. The guest art / comic would not be
reproduced in any printed material unless given permission by the
submitting artist.
- I would love to promote you and your respective comic and/or art website! If I don't know you personally or have not corresponded with you before, please write a little something about yourself. If you have a webcomic or any art-related site, please include your site's URL, a description, and a standard banner image (468 x 60 px) for promoting yourself or your website. If you have any current or upcoming projects or a crowd-funding campaign I'll be happy to mention those too.
- Deadline for submissions is, well, August 7, 2013, 12 AM GMT+8
Tags: callous anniversary birthday 17 guest comic art comic strip
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